Furniture Styles
Early American
William and Mary
Queen Anne
Pennsylvania Dutch
Robert Adam
Duncan Phyfe
American Empire
Arts and Craft
Art Nouveau
Scandinavian Contemporary
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Furniture Style Glossary: Wood
Amboyna Veneer
 | Golden-brown hardwood from the East Indies with a bird's eye figure.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Robert Adam
- Hepplewhite
- Sheraton
 | Whitish gray-brown American hardwood with similar graining to oak.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Early American
- Queen Anne
- Colonial
- Georgian
- Shaker
- Victorian
- Arts and Craft
- Scandinavian Contemporary
 | Light brown American hardwood with a flecked grain.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
 | Red-brown American hardwood with a close grain.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Early American
- Hepplewhite
- Shaker
- Arts and Craft
- Scandinavian Contemporary
Black Walnut
 | Dark brown American hardwood with a wide range of figures.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Jacobean
- William and Mary
- Queen Anne
- Colonial
- Georgian
- Pennsylvania Dutch
- Federal
- Duncan Phyfe
- American Empire
- Victorian
- Art Nouveau
- Scandinavian Contemporary
 | Medium brown American hardwood often stained to resemble black walnut.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
 | Golden to red-brown American softwood.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
 | Red-brown American hardwood.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Early American
- Queen Anne
- Chippendale
- Hepplewhite
- Federal
- Sheraton
- Duncan Phyfe
- American Empire
- Shaker
- Arts and Craft
Ebony Veneer
 | Dark brown to black African hardwood with black stripes, used in thinly sliced sheets.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
 | Red-brown American hardwood.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Early American
- Queen Anne
- Colonial
- Georgian
- Shaker
- Arts and Craft
- Scandinavian Contemporary
 | Pink-brown American hardwood, including apple and pear.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Early American
- William and Mary
- Queen Anne
- Colonial
- Georgian
- Federal
- Duncan Phyfe
- Shaker
- Arts and Craft
Goncalo Alves
 | Red-brown hardwood with dark brown streaks from Central and South America.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
 | Red-brown American hardwood.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Early American
- Queen Anne
- Colonial
- Georgian
- Shaker
- Arts and Craft
- Scandinavian Contemporary
Holly Veneer
 | Creamy-white American hardwood with a speckledgrain, used for inlay and marquetry.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
 | Red-brown South American and African hardwood.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Queen Anne
- Colonial
- Georgian
- Chippendale
- Robert Adam
- Hepplewhite
- Sheraton
- Art Nouveau
- Scandinavian Contemporary
Mahogany Veneer
 | Red-brown South American and African hardwood, used in thinly sliced sheets.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Chippendale
- Hepplewhite
- Sheraton
- American Empire
 | Golden to red-brown American hardwood with a wide range of figures.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Early American
- Queen Anne
- Colonial
- Georgian
- Robert Adam
- Hepplewhite
- Federal
- Duncan Phyfe
- Shaker
- Victorian
- Arts and Craft
- Scandinavian Contemporary
Maple Veneer
 | Golden to red-brown American hardwood with a wide range of figures, used in thinly sliced sheets.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
 | Gray-brown American hardwood.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Jacobean
- Early American
- Pennsylvania Dutch
- Shaker
- Victorian
- Arts and Craft
- Art Nouveau
- Scandinavian Contemporary
 | Yellow to pink-brown American softwood.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Early American
- Pennsylvania Dutch
- Shaker
- Arts and Craft
Rosewood Veneer
 | Purple-brown South American hardwood with black streaks that can be highly polished.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Robert Adam
- Hepplewhite
- Federal
- Sheraton
- Duncan Phyfe
- American Empire
- Victorian
Satinwood Veneer
 | Light yellow to golden brown Indian hardwood that is highly figured, has a close grain, and can be highly polished.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Robert Adam
- Hepplewhite
- Federal
- Sheraton
- Duncan Phyfe
 | Creamy-white European hardwood, treated to turn a silvery-gray or pink-brown color.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Early American
- Hepplewhite
- Shaker
- Arts and Craft
Sycamore Plane or American Sycamore
 | Pink-brown American hardwood.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
 | Yellow-brown African and Asian hardwood.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Scandinavian Contemporary
 | Pink-yellow South American hardwood with red striping used in inlays; also known as pinkwood.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
- Pennsylvania Dutch
- Robert Adam
- Hepplewhite
- Sheraton
 | Golden-brown African hardwood with dark brown striping.
Associated with the following furniture styles:
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